Sunday, January 20, 2013

TFI: Back in the Game

So I took about 6 months off from being an Advocate for The Forgotten Initiative.  We had so much going on and so many changes happening in our house (or lack there of) that I just needed to regroup and get my feet up under me before I started doing ministry outside of my own family again.  The break was needed, but I'm SOOOO glad to be back in the game! 

Ministry and evangelism type stuff is a little bit strange in ways.  You need to take breaks to refill your tank at times (sebaticles, etc), but the more you do ministry activities, the more entrenched and excited you get.  I'm excited to say that I'm pumped about foster care ministry again!  The more I pray about it and talk to people about it, the more pumped I get.  So don't be surprised if I actually start talking about adoption issues and ministry opportunities and all kind of crazy stuff again soon. 

Heck, I might as well start now!

TFI Charleston is a GO! 

The facebook page is up and running and you can find a super short needs list for our area HERE

1 comment:

  1. I'm a writer from Grenoble, France just forwarded this onto a coworker who was performing a bit of research on this. And she in fact bought me lunch just because I came across it for her... lol. So allow me to reword this.... Thanks for the food... But anyway, thanks for taking some time to write about this issue here on your web site.

    My web-site:


Got a question? Perhaps some advice? Please leave a comment. I can use all the help I can get!