Thursday, December 15, 2011


I want to start by saying, No, I'm not pregnant.  Now is about the time for all of my friends to start having babies.  I've got one now through adoption and I don't really feel the urge to get pregnant, which according to EVERYONE I talk to, is what I'm supposed to "accidentally" do now that we've adopted.  I'll pass.  So now on to what the real surprise is.......


Ok, so I may be jumping the gun a little bit.....  Ryan and I are in the negotiating phase right now with a local builder and we hope to have a contract drawn up for a new house sometime in the next week or so.  That means our home will be going up on the market right around the first of the year. 

If all goes well,  this will be our new house:

This particular house has already been built as a Spec Home and is a whopping 3500 sq feet.  Now that it's finished, the builder needs to sell it asap.  So a lot of you are thinking "What in the world do they need a house that big for?".  Honestly, we don't.  This is where surprise #2 comes in.

We may possibly become foster parents and/or adopt an older child from DSS!

Ok this one is still up in the air.  We've got some research and some pretty intense praying to do about this one.  It's something that God has placed on my heart recently that we couldn't even consider doing in our home now.  Most foster kids come in pairs of 2 or more, and there is no way that we could fit 3+ kids in our house.  But in this new house......

Regardless, please keep us in your prayers.  We know that God will make this move happen if thats what he has for us.  We love our home now, so we certainly wouldn't be devastated if He asked us to stay for a while longer.  Please also pray that both Ryan and I keep the ultimate goal in perspective when/if we do buy this new house.  If he provides the rooms, then we will fill them.


  1. yay! So exciting! I will be praying and would love to talk sometime next week!!!!

  2. Awesome! (kind of, because we'll miss having you guys as neighbors) I'm really happy for you guys. That plan looks really nice, and I hope it works out!

  3. WOW! How exciting for you guys. Will be praying for everything to work out.

    Love ya.

  4. Wow! So exciting! Please keep us updated on the move and your fostering/adopting! Michael and I are still working with DSS to adopt older kids as well in addition to our private adoption. You can never put a limit on God's will and plans for your life. So funny how you and I are the same person :)


Got a question? Perhaps some advice? Please leave a comment. I can use all the help I can get!